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our constitution

we represent publicly funded organizations located within the boundaries of the City and County of Peterborough, the City of Kawartha Lakes and Northumberland County

  • Honesty, care and due diligence will be an integral part of all KCPG competitive tendering exercises.


  • Information provided in the course of any business relationship will be true, fair and not designed to mislead.


  • Activities that create or appear to create a conflict of interest will be avoided. Examples of activities include acceptance of gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment or endorsing one supplier’s product or services.


  • Activities that create a personal gain or benefit will be avoided.

  • Confidential information gained through KCPG activities will not be used for personal gain. 

  • Sharing of confidential information gained through KCPG tendering activities will be limited to KPCG members and his or her employer for purposes of decision making. Information shared with other staff of the member’s employer will be provided on a confidential and need to know basis.